Thursday, 17 March 2011

1 Little Trick For Better Health and Creativity You Should Know

Here's how I write. I stand.

Really, I do.

Have you ever heard the saying, you think better on your feet?

You see, motivation and creativity is a physical experience and when you are standing you are more mindful of whatever you're doing and when I'm standing on my two feet, I feel I can express more of my emotions, my thoughts. I'll write in 12-15 minute blocks of time while standing and have seat or walk around if I need to.

Most of the time, I just stand most of my day.

Have you thought of adding this small change?

What I love is that I can take a walk - a very small walk - around my tiny office space and move my whole body, get blood flowing and get back at my desk and my creative juice are flowing even more.

So if you're a writer or need a spark of inspiration, try standing (and walking around every once) while when you write. Make your environment work for you. You can add soft, classical music if it helps. I prefer to write in a quiet space.

But listen, there are health benefits too.

Do you want better cholesterol and blood glucose levels. More calories burned? Maybe even improved breathing, blood flow and stronger core muscles?

Then standing upright can help. Do this throughout the day.

When standing, make sure you are standing nice and tall allowing that natural S-curve of the spine which lessons back pain than sitting. It's pretty amazing benefit with a little shift in that way you work!

If you decide to add this little bonus benefit to your work day, make sure you use a nice, sturdy adjustable workstation desk. I bought this table from Staples office supply store that allows my laptop to be raised up to my navel height while standing. It's called TechniMobili.

According to some studies, standing is better than seated. Those in the study had better responsiveness, awareness and reaction speed increased.

The height which you would adjust your monitor or keyboard should allow your elbow join to relax at a 90 degree angle when you type. Remember the natural S-curve.

You can check out some great alternative work or play desks at this website: geekdesk dot com. I'll upgrade to that one of these days.

Get creative feel a bit more aware, mindful of your work. Get the benefits of creativity and the real health benefits too. Talk soon.

I'm Adriel Yapana. As a Glendale, CA personal trainer and boot camp instructor, I know how hard it can be to drop stubborn body fat. To get FREE powerful, life-changing strategies, videos and finally stop the weight-loss battle, visit my website at

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