Thursday, 17 March 2011

6 Heart Inspired Facts!

Be Heart Inspired!

Do you really know how powerful and amazingly intelligent your heart is?

Oh yes, the heart is much more than an organ in your chest. It inspires you: body, mind, and spirit.

Heart Inspired Facts

1. Your Heart is small but mighty.

The heart's a muscle with chambers, valves, and vessels. It only accounts for about 3 percent of total body weight and is a little larger than the size of your fist. It's located between the lungs approximately mid chest with about two thirds of it lying to the left of your breastbone.

2. It's powerful muscular contractions force blood from its chambers, through valves, and vessels to nourish every cell in your body.

One beat of your heart pumps blood through vessels in your lungs where it absorbs oxygen and releases carbon dioxide. Then the blood flows on thorough vessels called arteries that grow progressively smaller to arterioles, then tiny capillaries. Here, the blood nourishes your cells while exchanging oxygen and nutrients for metabolic wastes including carbon dioxide.
From there your blood returns to the heart from tiny vessels called veinioles that grow progressively larger to form veins. The heart again pumps the blood to the lungs. In the lungs, carbon dioxide exchanges for oxygen and the cycle repeats every heartbeat, every second of your life.

There's no need for thinking about it or willing it. The heart makes it so.

3. The heart has an intelligence of its own.

Most people think of the brain as the control center of their body. But this may not be so say scientists at the Institute of HeartMath:

"The heart actually sends more signals to the brain than the brain sends to the heart!"

It contains its own built-in nervous system so sophisticated that scientists call it "heart brain." It contains over 40,000 neurons and it can independently sense, process information, and demonstrate a type of learning, say these scientists.

4. It secretes hormones and neurotransmitters that profoundly affect brain and body function.

One of these hormones, oxytocin, is known as the "love" or "bonding" hormone.

5. The heart center plays a major role in healing through the human energy system.

The heart not only responds to emotion, but its signals play a major role in the quality of emotional experience. It acts as the center for love, compassion, and forgiveness.
Through its extensive communication system with the brain, it can affect thinking and perception.
Techniques like those used by HeartMath can quickly elicit positive emotional states that have positive effects throughout your body and its environment.

6. The heart acts as a spiritual center.

Many traditions connect the heart to love and spirit. "Through it flows the energy of connectedness with all of life," says Barbara Brennan in Hands of Light.
Although science shies from studying the spiritual realm, it is beginning to understand the heart's subtle power through the study of its electromagnetic fields.
"There is evidence that the information contained in the heart's powerful field may play a vital synchronizing role in the human body-and may affect others around us as well," say HeartMath Scientists.

Bottom Line

Nurture yourself by keeping in MIND and HEART these seven facts. Be HEART INSPIRED: body mind and spirit!

Copyright by Nancy S. Moore PhD, RN, is dedicated to helping you create vibrant health and your great potential. Discover more on how to Inspire your Heart at

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