Friday, 18 March 2011

Beautiful Life


We may call it intuition, sixth sense, divine guidance, spell of good power, divine love or anything. It is beyond our logic and sometimes even against our logical arguments. One is tempted to hypothesize existence of "super autonomic nervous system" that is differently and vaguely described as residing in the right cerebral hemisphere of right handed people and in charge of non sequential thinking, appreciation of poetry, holistic perception and so on. In my view this vaguely described functional complex which I refer to as super autonomic nervous system resides well spread in several silent areas such as those of prefrontal cortex.

But the purpose of this article is not merely to indicate this possibility; but to visualize the culmination; of the vast panorama of knowledge; in the form of various arts (including martial arts and arsenals), sports, literature, science, technology, religions, ethics, rituals, laws etc and overall accomplishments of mankind. Let us visualize and remind ourselves and reiterate repeatedly that the purpose and the culmination of all the accomplishments of mankind is self realization (which may be tangible in future; in terms of evolution of super autonomic nervous system). We, the people of world (irrespective of religions, races, and nationalities) have to keep on organizing, reorganizing, orienting and reorienting our accomplishments in the direction of this self realization.

While the instincts of not merely survival, but racial, religious, ideological, cultural, economic and political supremacy are natural and understandable; they are undoubtedly the obstacles in individual and global blossoming. The indiscriminate violence and rabid propaganda for one's racial, religious, ideological, cultural, economic and political supremacy are counterproductive and self defeating.

Let us realize that we are blessed to participate in the real and most urgent expedition of conquering the basal nature of ourselves, which prevents us from self realization (being truly nonviolent, happy and in evolved state of living that preempts our pettiness and superficiality)! We are really fortunate to have the potential to acquire such a state of living! Even as there are many ways prescribed by many for such evolved living; the simplest and universal one is NAMASMARAN, which need not be believed, but verified.

Practicing, preaching, writing, publishing, broadcasting, sponsoring, talking, sharing; in fact; doing whatever we can to promote NAMASMARAN (and other activities and programs in respective fields conducive to NAMASMARAN and self realization) ensures and ensues individual and global blossoming).

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