Friday, 18 March 2011

How To Visualize Colors When Meditating

 One of the most powerful types of meditation is when you are visualizing colors during your session. This is an easy technique to try out especially if you are new to meditation. If you are rather well versed in various techniques, this should still be an interesting method to try out due to the many benefits it offers.

One of the best ways to work with colors during meditation is to have either some rocks / crystals or a flower around. The colors of the nature are the best to work with in this case. This is because the natural colors are most vibrant and real. They are not man-made and manipulated. Also natural colors can heal so you will gain this extra benefit from practicing this technique as well.

Many people prefer meditating with a tulip or a red rose. The flower should be put in a vase nearby so that you don't have to stretch your neck to see it. While you are initially looking at the flower and imprint the features and its color in your mind, you will then close your eyes and try to visualize the flower with your inner eyes.

Can you see the color? What about the shape? Does the rose have thorns? Is the stem wet?

If you start to meditate on flowers, it is good to take a different type after a few sessions. This way your mind doesn't get too comfortable with the shape and color of your chosen plant.

You can also meditate on a favorite rock. I use a rose crystal for some of my meditation sessions. There are many beautiful crystals that you can find for your meditation session and each type has a different color. Try to find one that is not smooth so that your mind can really enjoy looking at each of the crevices in the rock. When the light falls on it, depending on which part it touches, you can separate several different colors in the process. This is a fun mind exercise as well.

When you meditate on a crystal, simply keep looking at it for a while and then close your eyes and try to see it with your 3rd eye. Start from the top and go slowly downwards. Can you recreate its rough shape?

Crystals give us a lot of positive energy that we can use to our benefit in physical and emotional healing. Some people meditate by holding the crystal in their hands so they feel the pulsing of the energy coming from the rock right into their fingers. This is another great way to experiment with meditation in an easy and relaxing manner.

When you are ready, try out this crystal meditation for an easy way of learning meditation.

Maria Bende - EzineArticles Expert Author

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