Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Aries, Taurus and Gemini Natives' Ninth and Tenth House Ruling Combinations - Some Finer Points

For a native of Taurus ascendant Saturn is the lord of the both ninth and tenth houses. Its presence in the tenth house creates a strong ruling vibration. In addition to this its presence in the tenth, an angular house creates strong Shash yoga, it is a strong political vibration making such a native a big leader of the working class. Such a one as this can be a big iron merchant or may own oil wells. You can, in fact identify a person with angular Saturn in Libra, Capricorn or Aquarius by the gaps between his teeth. This man will be very clever ruler of his clan. He may not look very promising in the beginning of his life but once he enter his 36th year, he will leave his gasping rivals far behind in the race.

In all 9th and 10th house combinations if other trine and angular lords participate then the whole thing becomes super turbo charged. Therefore, the combination of Mercury with Saturn for Taurus ascendant will make the native a great speaker, because Mercury rules speech and the second house Gemini represents tongue, among other things. Such a person will blessed with good family life, children, luck and great profession. Presence of Mercury and Venus in the second house (Gemini) and the Sun in third will make such a person courageous, and will give tremendous boost to ninth house indications, because the Sun is the significator of the ninth house, and its aspect on the ninth is frosting on the cake.

For a native of Aries ascendant a Saturn in the tenth in Capricorn gives rise to the same Shashak yoga, if such a native also has Jupiter in the ninth house then he will have good income, good professional success by a deadly combination of hard work and a very good luck. This combination also indicates that the father of the native will also be no less.

The same holds true for the Taurus native with tenth Saturn.

For a native of Gemini ascendant the presence of the ninth lord Saturn in the ninth (Aquarius) and tenth lord Jupiter in the tenth (Pisces), will give rise to Hamsa (swan) yoga thus making him religious and very fortunate. Similarly Saturn will make him very lucky and religious, inclined toward austerity. An exchange of Saturn and Jupiter will also not diminish the effects as it would in case of Aries ascendant, with Jupiter in its fall in the tenth (Capricorn).

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