Thursday, 17 March 2011

Astral Travel Information - Find It Online

 By Dalai Lumer

The art of astral travel has been around for thousands of years. Astral Travel Information has been found in Ancient civilizations. They would practice astral projection for many reasons. Some would report speaking to peoples from an earlier time to gain wisdom and knowledge of the world around them.

Some would travel because it was considered a privilege that only the elite could enjoy.

Whatever the reasons, the fact is it's part of our human nature and open to us all. It's as natural as any of our abilities and is within us the same way our mind and spirit is within us.

There are some straightforward questions that most of us have.

What Is Astral Travel Anyway?

Generally speaking astral travel refers to the ability to project outside of our physical body as energy only, or spirit only whatever you want to call it. It means that you are able to travel to times and places that would never be able to physically.

Another term that is often used is out of body experience or astral projection. It means the same thing and it refers to the same ability.

What Happens During Astral Projection?

When you astral project, your mind or spirit detaches from your physical body and you are able to look at your physical body from an entirely different perspective. You can move around and travel through physical barriers with no regard to the physical world around you. You can not however move or touch anything in this state. People in the physical world can not see you or hear you.

Can I Learn Astral Travel?

Simple answer here, Yes. Anyone can learn it. Learn is not really the right term. Anyone can reveal the talent within themselves. You already know how, you just may not know it yet. You already do it in your sleep, you just need to learn to control it.

What Are the Astral Dimensions?

The astral dimensions or astral planes are those areas into which we can travel in our astral body or with our astral remote. Some bear a lot of resemblance to our physical world. Some are completely different. There are are many different realms you can travel to, the realm of time, the realm of the ages and so on.

How Do I Learn?

Learning takes some time and practice but is absolutely achievable by anyone. The best way to learn varies with the person. A great place to start is with a Yoga class. You will learn all of the skills you need in terms of meditation and focus to achieve astral travel.

The next logical step would then be to find a course online which will get a great source of astral travel information and perhaps a source of binaural and isochronic tones or crystals. And of course you need a healthy dose of patience. With practice you can definitely do it. Try it today.

Dalai Lumur is an Astral Travel and Projection Expert. For more information on astral projection information, visit

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