Thursday, 17 March 2011

Increase Your Energy Levels the Healthy and Natural Way

In the modern world, many of us are expected to balance work, family, friends, social events, parties, house work and an endless list of tasks and obligations. It is a no wonder why many of us still feel tired and fatigued after a solid 7-8 hours of sleep! However, there are a few natural and simple ways to increase your energy levels so you can do more in your day and keep going and going and going... and going... and going....

1. Have breakfast.

I know, you have heard it all before about how breakfast is the most important day, (etc etc) but you still insist that you don't have time to make yourself breakfast before you rush out of your house in the morning (or afternoon) to start your day. Believe me though; waking up those extra 15 mins to eat some breakfast will significantly improve your energy levels and, your health. Studies have shown that people who skip breakfast tend to be more overweight, less healthy, have a lower attention span and lower energy levels. If you're trying to figure out what you should eat for breakfast, I personally believe low GI foods are the best (ie. Wholegrain cereals, muesli, low GI bread). They release energy slowly and will hence provide you with longer lasting energy to help you get through your day.

2. Have an afternoon power snack.

Regular afternoon snacks are great as they ensure that your body has a continuous supply of nutrients and vitamins which maintains your body's energy levels throughout the day. They are a great perk-me-up, ensure that you remain somewhat full (as opposed to sluggish full) throughout the day, prevent overeating when you consume your next meal and is hence beneficial for weight loss as well. Some suggestions of a great afternoon snack include fruit smoothies, mixed nuts, low sugar high protein muesli bars and no-fat yogurt.

3. Wake up at the same time everyday.

Waking up the same time everyday sets your body clock which ensures that your body "knows" when to begin its natural healing process (which occurs when you're sleeping) and when to stop and get ready for the day ahead. The first day/week/month is always hard, but if you make a commitment and stick to it, you would not regret it!

4. Make sure you're getting your nutrients.

Did you know that people that suffer Chronic Fatigue Syndrome are often deficient in Vitamin B and folate? And that many people who suffer fatigue and tiredness are often deficient in nutrients such as chromium, copper, folic acid, iodine, iron, niacin, vitamin A or zinc? Nutritional deficiency is actually one of the most common reasons to why people are listless and tired, which is why it is important that you eat a well balanced diet so that you can ensure that your body is receiving its required level of nutrients.

If you're finding it hard to ensure that you're consuming enough nutrients, supplements such as iron supplements, Coenzyme Q10 supplements and multivitamins can help solve the problem. The right supplement can provide you with the right vitamins and minerals which can improve your energy metabolism, energy production, and energy levels.

5. Do not depend on energy drinks.

Energy drinks provide a sharp boost and extreme high levels of energy, but they always result in a crash. If you keep depending on them, your energy levels will "crash" lower and lower each time and you will feel more and more fatigue as time goes by.

6. Incorporate more soluble fibers into your diet.

Foods that contain soluble fiber include fruits, vegetables, oats, nuts and grains. They slow down the rate of absorption of sugars which evens out your energy levels and prevents them from peaking and then crashing; meaning that you will have more energy for a lot longer.

7. Get your daily dose of vitamin C.

This is similar to number 4. Studies have shown that there is a correlation between people who suffer chronic fatigue and people who have vitamin C deficiency. Vitamin C is an extremely important nutrient as it helps to combat illnesses, has been found to be linked to mood benefits and helps absorb more nutrients from the food you consume. Thus, it is important to ensure that you are getting your daily dose of citrus fruits, or a vitamin C tablet, or a high quality Multivitamin tablet. Not only does it help you feel physically better and more energised, it also improves your mental wellbeing, and helps you feel better about yourself and your day.

8. Stop smoking.

Studies have shown that when a person quits smoking, the generally experience an energy boost of 200-300%. This is because cigarettes affect your sleep (so you don't sleep well), and add toxic chemicals into your body which makes you feel sluggish and unhealthy. Besides, smoking kills and increases your risk of lung cancer, heart attack and stroke. So why throw your life and energy away by smoking?

9. Exercise regularly.

Regular exercise encourages healthy sleeping patterns, healthier weight and an overall more optimum wellbeing. This thus boosts your body's energy and increases your body's activity. It is important however, to remember not to dramatically increase your level of exercise activity as that can be exhausting and short-lived. Start of slow (ie. Walking to the supermarket instead of driving, or going to one zumba class a week) and write your goals and commitment on a piece of paper. This will help you stick to it and you will be exercising regularly in no time!

10. Balance your life.

Easy to say, hard to do. Most people live a hectic and busy life and often have to juggle about a hundred things at once. But I cannot stress how important it is to have a "Me" time everyday where you can relax, indulge in a hobby, and spend time with your love ones. Get organized, delegate some responsibilities or don't be afraid to drop some unnecessary 'commitments'. Having a good laugh and a life that you love is the best source of energy anyone can get.

So why not give these 10 steps a try? Your mind and body will thank you for that and you will have more energy for a more enriching, enjoyable, active life.

Good Luck!

Getting more out of your active busy schedule is within your reach. Get ready for a lifestyle change and achieve that healthier you and body that you have always wanted.

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