Wednesday 2 March 2011

Heads Up! This Is Your Mercury Retrograde Alert for March 30th

By Robin Collier

Mercury seems to go backward from Earth's viewpoint three or four times a year. My personal abbreviation for Mercury retrograde is MR (mental retardation). Some unknown mechanism seems to make us all a little communication impaired during these periods. It's like having verbal dyslexia!

I strongly suggest that this year, you get your taxes done early, before the start of MR, or file for an extension. Mercury rules all forms of communications, and the hands. So, the first thing is no elective surgery, as your surgeon's hands may be a little out of synch. Plan now, so that you don't have to sign important contracts during this period. If you absolutely must sign a contract during MR, make sure you read the fine print twice.
Travel: Have a backup plan in case of delayed flights that might cause a missed connection. If you're driving, have your car serviced and checked before MR begins.

In general starting new projects while Mercury is retrograde is not advisable. The project may turn out ok, but there will be unexpected delays! MR is actually a good time for going on retreat, reflection, doing research, and reviewing your work before submission. Taking a vacation is ok, especially if it's aimed at rest and re-creation.

Have you ever driven to work, and when you arrived, not been able to remember the trip? You know, driving on automatic? Do you even know if you ran a stop sign? Argh! Please pay extra attention during MR - I prefer to have you around to read my next article! Note that the first and last day of a MR period, when Mercury is standing still, are the worst fuzzy thinking days.

Woops, check where that email is going, before clicking send!

MR is very hard on people with Gemini or Virgo Sun or rising signs. Have compassion, give them a break.

When things go awry, remember it's just Mercury retrograde, and it will be over in less than three weeks.

The next Mercury retrograde period is August 3-26. Forewarned is forearmed.

Robin Lee Collier, aka the No BS Astrologer, is your source for goal oriented coaching for love and relationships, business, and more. Using psychology, astrology, and other metaphysical knowledge, along with over 25 years of experience she can help empower you to attain your goals. To find out more visit See the 'Join Free' tab to receive a free report tailored to your personal horoscope. Copyright 2011 Robin Lee Collier.

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