Monday 14 March 2011

How To Get Success Using Auspicious Timings For A Place In The World

Usually we are doing good things daily in our house and at our working place. In order to get success and to lead a very successful life auspicious timings help us to a great extent.

Auspicious timings for a day differs from place to place. It can be used for doing goods things to self and to others. It is common to all irrespective of their Race, Religion and Color. As our supreme powerful Sun Planet is common to all the human beings in the world, these timings are also common to the whole universe. For example auspicious timings for a day is different for a particular day and varies from place to place. The timings for Chennai will not suit for a person in Singapore or to a person in New York. It should be arrived at separately. The data will be available with your family astrologers and an individual can contact for the exact time.

The meaning of auspicious timings:

There are seven visible planets used in astrology along with invisible shadow planets Rahu and Kethu. They are Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. Each timings related to the planets last for one hour which is called HORA. These seven timings will occur daily on a cyclic basis, One Hora for one Hour. The order in which the timings occur is: Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars On Sunday, for example, sun auspicious time will occur first at the time of sunrise. It will last for one hour. Then Venus time will follow for one hour. And so on. On Monday, the first time at sunrise will be Moon planet, which is the day lord; it will be followed by Saturn, Jupiter and Mars as per the order above.

That is, the first auspicious time of the day will be the weekday's own ruling planet. Then the order mentioned above to be followed. On a Wednesday, the timings will be Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun and Venus. After seven hours this same order will repeated. among the seven planets Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus planets are considered to good, benevolent and auspicious. And their related timings are also considered good and auspicious periods. Sun, Mars and Saturn planets are considered as fairly not good planets and are treated as Malefic and their timings are taken as not good. We have to avoid these periods for doing any good things.

For selection of auspicious timings for important events like Marriage, purchase of new Vehicle and Land and for Investment purposes we have to contact our family astrologer. It changes for individual which is based on their individual Birth Star and Birth horoscope and geological factors like latitude and longitude for the particular place. We can follow these best timings and can succeed in our life The increase of productivity in a concern by using the astrological factors is called astroproductivity. Similarly we can arrive at the best timings in a day for any place in the world.

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