Tuesday 8 March 2011

New Moon and Six Other Planets in Aquarius Are Setting the Tone for the February Astrology

If you have a philosophical kind of mind and you like to get to know yourself better you probably enjoy astrology very much. It is a way of looking freshly at yourself and the world with a neutral perspective and open mind.

Astrology is a journey to better self-recognition, inquiry into the deep mysteries of life and a way we can orient ourselves in a meaningful universe. We can take comfort in the repeating rhythms and cycles of life, the monthly waxing and waning of the Moon in its journey around the earth, the cycle of the earth around the Sun creating the year or the less visible bigger cycles of the other planets in our universe. Astrology throughout the times has been secret wisdom hold in spiritual societies or has been passed on between master and pupil.

Nowadays our access to learn astrology is manifold which can be confusing because there are many approaches to choose from. I personally have learned to love the Evolutionary Astrology where you look at the chart from the perspective of the eternal evolution of the soul with one eye towards the karma, where you are coming from and the other towards your spiritual destiny you are heading for. If you use astrology with all the different tools and techniques it offers for deeper self knowledge and raising consciousness it can become a spiritual path into the mystery of your own life or others around you. It can fill you with deep self understanding and compassion. It can give intelligent choices and hope for change and new beginnings.

Aquarian Changes

Change is one of the main archetypal key words for Aquarius. And how are you with change? Even for me with my Moon in Aquarius in the 11th house change can be threatening and too much. I like change and new perspectives but my Taurus Sun likes it comfortable and predictable. Earth likes to move slowly and wants to be in control. Does that sound familiar? We all have these contrary parts (planets) in us we have to acknowledge and live in some way. Consciousness helps us to find the higher road and travel easier.

We are facing big time changes in the next few years and we have been talking about the dawn of a New Age of Aquarius for a while now. This month is a wake up call that this is really happening and not just talk. The art of life is to ride the wave and not being buried under it as all the surfers here in Hawaii can attest to.

You need to find a comfortable place inside yourself to consciously face the changes and challenges you have to face in your personal or professional life. You want to be part of the solution and not part of the problem. Then you can be a guiding light for those around you and you can impact the morphogenetic field of humankind by the work you have done on yourself by raising your consciousness.

The Controversy between Astrology and Astronomy

There was a lot of excitement in the press in the last few weeks about the discrepancy of the astronomical skies nowadays and the zodiac system we use in astrology. That has been very confusing for many people. The reason that astrology does obviously work lies in the different perspective of two systems we work with: the Sidereal Zodiac and the Tropical Zodiac. One works with the actual constellation in the stars the other one starts with the spring Equinox and the sign of Aries. No worries, they both work and just give you a different way to look at things. If you are interested to read more and understand the reasoning behind this I found a good article by astrologer Jan Stiller you can search for.

With the beginning of a fresh new year we have entered this time of February to be woken up where we have been asleep, to let go of old dysfunctional structures and open our minds and hearts to new horizons and possibilities as individuals and on the level of our group consciousness. The big theme this month is that we have 6 planets in Aquarius, the water bearer setting out to nourish and water the seeds of change. This can happen through sudden changes, interruptions of continuity and rebellion or riots as we are seeing in Egypt right now. I would not be surprised to see more instability and destruction happening in explosive expressions all over the world this month.

Also Jupiter has moved into Aries a week ago and with that the expansion of consciousness takes on some fiery fierceness and confrontational willingness to push for higher wisdom and establish priorities.

These are the Highlights of February Astrology:
• New Moon in Aquarius February 2-3
• Sun, Ceres, Mars, Neptune and Chiron in Aquarius
• Mercury Joins the Aquarian party on February 3
• Venus Steps into Capricorn February 4
• Full Moon in Leo February 18
• Sun Floats into Pisces February 19
• Mercury Dreams in Pisces February 21
• Mars Marches into Pisces February 23

New Moon in Aquarius in Conjunction with Mars

The New Moon is always like a birth. It starts a new cycle of the Moon moving through the zodiac but starting out in a specific sign that sets the tone like this month in Aquarius. Aquarian spirit is what wants to evolve in our hearts and soul. We need to accommodate the rebellious and individuated, free Aquarian spirit and allow it access to our lives. The New Moon sets the starting point and with that the emotional tone for the month. Mars adds some aggressive energy and pushes us. There seems to be no choice but to move forward with full throttle.

Sun, Ceres, Mars, Neptune and Chiron in Aquarius

The Sun is symbolizing our identity, our center of consciousness and vitality. We have to align with Aquarian qualities to stay sane these days. Ceres, the dwarf planet also known as Demeter, the Roman goddess of grain, conjoins this New Moon. She is bringing in the voice of nature and mother earth reminding us of being part of the web of life. Neptune and Chiron in the later degrees of Aquarius advocate powerful grass root movements and visions of a better world for all of us. Chiron is in the last degree of Aquarius where integration and healing is possible. Chiron, the wounded healer and mentor of the children of the gods can inspire us to higher wisdom, breakthrough insights and teaches us deep compassion for our human dilemma.

Mercury Joins the Aquarian Party on February 3 Closely Followed by Mercury and Mars

And it is well-fitting for Mercury, our way of thinking and perceiving the world to join the Aquarian party. This is perfectly orchestrated to help us making sense out of it all and lift us up into higher thinking with less resistance. In science we know that a system of chaos which reaches a threshold point where the system overloads, breaks and then reorganizes itself onto a higher level. We call this a breakthrough which can happen on a personal level of consciousness or in a collective. This is what we have been waiting for many life times, the quantum leap of consciousness to consolidate on a higher level of wisdom and oneness.

Venus Steps into Capricorn February 4

Venus will be heading towards Pluto in Capricorn and with Saturn still in Libra questioning the depth and solidity of our relationships and how much we can trust the other. There is some deep work waiting there for you.

Full Moon in Leo February 18

What we have started with the New Moon in Aquarius is now in full bloom and in full sight of our awareness. The shadow of Leo is a self-serving ruler ship pleasuring the own ego. Political power games and manipulations will be more obvious and in the light. The high road of Leo is creative, responsible leadership through deep commitment and service which is not necessarily an attitude we are used to see nowadays in ruling politicians. So the opposing forces of the revolutionary Aquarian are taking charge and will change history.

Sun Floats into Pisces February 19

With the Sun entering Pisces followed by Mercury and Mars the emphasis will now be on what is good for all of us and based in a higher perspective. Our dreams of a better future based in the spirit of oneness need to be contemplated and then put into action. I like to suggest you take your journal and write down the areas in your life you feel a need for a serious overhaul and touch up in your life. Prepare yourself for the rough ride of this month by facing with clarity and courage what needs to be addressed and let go. Enjoy the ride which can be very exhilarating and freeing.

I hope you enjoyed this article, aloha and many blessings, Shakti.

Shakti Carola Navran: astrologer, jeweler and author

If you enjoyed this article and my perspective on things, you can sign up for my free weekly newsletter where I discuss the actual universal astrological forces and the special powers of gemstones and inspire you to use them wisely for a more successful and joyful life.

Many people listen to the weather report on the radio before they head out the door in the morning so they can be prepared for the day to come.

Shakti Carola Navran's Astrological Signs Weather Report and Healing Gems blog will prepare you the same way: it will make you aware of the universal forces at work in the present moment so you can maximize your response to all that you encounter and align your efforts with the current cosmic trends for a successful and joyful life.

As any surfer here in Hawaii will testify, it is always easier to go with the flow than against it. Life also has a flow, which emanates from the universal forces. With the right awareness and understanding, you can learn to be in harmony with the flow of the universal forces in your life, using them to achieve your goals and dreams. Using astrology to read and interpret the universal forces at work in any given period will give you a real advantage in your ability to deal with challenges in your life and take advantages of the opportunities that present themselves.

One way to align yourself with the universal forces is to work with the metaphysical qualities of gemstones and crystals for health, energy, and balance. I invite you to enter into the sparkling, mystical world of gemstones, connecting us with the whole of creation, from microcosm to macrocosm.

Come and visit me at http://www.jewelryandgemsforselfdiscovery.com/blog/.

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